The application of superfine vertical roller mill in non-metallic mineral ultrafine powder processin
Currently, the global demand for non-metallic ore powder increasingly strong. According to incomplete statistics, only the heavy calcium carbonate consumption growth in demand over the past 10 years, from 35 million tons to nearly 90 million tons now. In pursuit of product quality and stability, increase production, while production equipment also put forward higher requirements.
Non-metallic mineral dry ultrafine grinding process equipment are raymond mill, ring roller mill, vertical roller mill, ultrafine mill,etc. In recent years, China vigorously promote energy conservation policy, environment-friendly ultra-fine vertical roller mill came into being. It can satisfy the requirements of the desired product processing and reliable operation, large capacity, product quality, environmental protection and energy conservation.
The heavy calcium carbonate produced by common
vertical roller mill is below 600 mesh, the production can not meet the market demand for 1250 mesh ultra-fine powder.Kefid's ultrafine grinding mill combined with years of experience in R&D and manufacturing,it can produce 650 mesh powder, by increasing the secondary classification system to produce ultra-fine 1500 mesh heavy calcium carbonate. Superfine vertical roller mill is mainly used in ultra-fine grinding process, final product's fineness is 400-1500 mesh, single production capacity can be achieved 8-18t/h depending on different models.
Compared to the traditional vertical roller mill, ultrafine vertical roller mill has greater advantages:
(1) single production scale, impact mill, dry sanding machine and ring roller mill's production capacity is small,in the same circumstances, vertical roller mill can achieve larger capacity.
(2) when processing heavy calcium carbonate,superfine vertical roller mill can produce with lower power consumption and larger scale.
(3) The new ultra-fine powder vertical roller mill can produce powder below 1500 mesh, especially 400-1000 mesh product,energy conservation is obvious.
Superfine vertical roller mill system is successfully applied in the field of produce ultrafine GCC prove that it has excellent performance and high value production in ultra-fine grinding areas. Therefore, vertical roller mill is expected to become the main choice of non-metallic mineral processing industry, the prospects are very bright.